
Brandi Stanley

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Fractals + Free Will with Abrah Dresdale and Adam Brock

Fractals + Free Will with Abrah Dresdale and Adam Brock "What is the biggest, brightest future we can imagine using our free will?" You might have heard of the term "biomimicry," a practice of applying what we observe in the natural world to human design challenges. Maybe you even know of "permaculture," a practice of taking what we see in nature and applying it to our design systems—most often in gardening and agriculture. But have you ever thought about taking concepts from nature and...

Have you listened to the podcast yet? If you have and you enjoyed it, would you do me the *generous* favor of opening it in Apple Podcasts on your phone, giving it 5 stars, and even writing a quick review? It would be so helpful to me! Thanks, friends :) Oh, & I did an audio recording of this essay again. Go here if you'd rather listen than read. Generosity + Flow “If there is free flow, there is no pain; if there is pain, there is lack of free flow.” — Chinese medicine principle, via Dr....

Quantum Logic + Exclusive Truth with Lincoln Carr "Science involves humility. It involves the idea that the data is sacred and that our interpretation can evolve at any moment." When I think of Lincoln Carr, I think of the word liminal. Google tells me it means "occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold." Lincoln is a liminal person: a quantum physicist and a poet in the same breath. But when I think of Lincoln's "liminality," I think more about dreaming—the space...

A Sick Society + An Individual Burden “Our individual healing is connected to healing our society, and our healing of the ecosystems upon which our lives depend. To engage in this holistic vision is to practice deep medicine.” — Rupa Marya and Rajeev Charles Patel I could tell I was about to sob. "We're practically strangers, and she's going to think I've lost it if I burst into tears as soon as we start." My laptop sat in the middle of the living room, balancing atop a makeshift "standing...

Queer Memoir + Rhizomes with Serena Chopra "...when you approach something that you don’t quite understand, is your first reaction to put it into economies of meaning that you already know, to straighten it, or do you approach it with curiosity and allow it to shift you, as well?" In preparing for and then having my latest podcast conversation, this time with Serena Chopra—a teacher, writer, dancer, filmmaker, and visual and performance artist—I've done a lot of reading about rhizomes. If...

Today is my 40th birthday. (What?! Wow. Very Libra of me to announce it to you.) So, I'm going to do something different and share with you almost the exact, unedited text from a journal entry of mine recently. It felt less like processing and more like a thing that came through me, as a reflection after listening again to my conversation with Andreas Weber, out last week. As Glennon says, "Write from your scar and not your wound." I think the scar has formed, though I'm not going to bother...

Love + Death with Andreas Weber "Our purpose is to make the world fecund. That’s our purpose. I’d really put it that strongly. If we don’t do this, we are missing our purpose...If we contribute to the fecundity of the cosmos—including ourselves—we feel right and we forget about the question of purpose because somehow it’s okay." If you know me at all or have followed me for some time, you'll know that this episode of the podcast is a big deal. I'll leave most of the talking to what I say in...

Inefficiency + Joy with David Epstein "The slower the speed of life history, the smarter the animal." Easily one of my absolute-favorite early interviews, David Epstein is the author of the #1 New York Times best seller, Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, and another New York Times best seller, The Sports Gene, which have both been translated into more than 20 languages. He was previously an investigative reporter at ProPublica, where his work spanned from drug cartels to...

Relief + Terror “It seems this is what service is about: offering whatever we can of ourselves, and then getting out of the way for whatever may or may not come of it. Because when our heart and tears and honesty are in something, others feel it, and I imagine the enthusiasm for what we offer transmits some cosmic love cologne as a gift both for them and for us; in which case we can't not love giving. The important part, it seems, is doing what we're called to do in our quieter moments—the...

My first episodes are now live! HERE IT IS! The official launch of the This Plus That podcast! Four episodes to begin, in total. I start with a deeply personal behind-the-scenes on why this project matters to me—no interviewees; just me and a mic, unscripted—and then follow it with my first three guests. I could tell you all the things I'm feeling right now, but I'd rather you hear most of that in the first episode.SO! Would you be up for doing a few things to help me spread the word today? —...