The podcast is HERE. Listen to the first four episodes now!

My first episodes are now live!

HERE IT IS! The official launch of the This Plus That podcast!

Four episodes to begin, in total.

I start with a deeply personal behind-the-scenes on why this project matters to me—no interviewees; just me and a mic, unscripted—and then follow it with my first three guests.

I could tell you all the things I'm feeling right now, but I'd rather you hear most of that in the first episode.

SO! Would you be up for doing a few things to help me spread the word today? —

  1. ​Listen to the first four episodes on any of your favorite podcast platforms now!
  2. Please SHARE MY NEW VIDEO TRAILER on social media today (Twitter and Instagram)! It's nearly the same audio as the show trailer, but makes this whole thing feel so official, I can't even believe it. A lifetime of thanks to everyone behind KAB Agency. Sharing it with your friends would mean the world.
  3. Rate and Review the show on Apple Podcasts. Every single one of these matters a TON for a new show.
  4. And, if you haven't yet, "Follow" the show. Just pick your favorite app and "subscribe," wherever that might be.

Here are links to each of the individual launch episodes (keep scrolling so you don't miss my fun news on upcoming shows below, too):

Brandi Stanley

EP 001

Why This Matters to Me
with Brandi Stanley

Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Stitcher
Listen on YouTube

​Or, listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Brandi Stanley

EP 002

Environment + Genre
with Shannon Davies Mancus

Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Stitcher
Listen on YouTube

​Or, listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Brandi Stanley

EP 003

Neuroscience + Dance
with Devika Nair

Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Stitcher
Listen on YouTube

​Or, listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Brandi Stanley

EP 004

Trauma + Curiosity
with Tyler Thrasher

Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Stitcher
Listen on YouTube

​Or, listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Episodes will release every other Tuesday from now on.

Oh, and my next two guests?

Just David Epstein and Andreas Weber. (WHAT?! Yep. I'm still giddy from the convos.)

Lastly, please DEFINITELY reply here and let me know your thoughts. I'm anxious to hear what you think!


— Brandi

Brandi Stanley

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